About Me

the face behind ‘Piper&Muse’

Hey, I’m Abby!

I am a proud northern redhead who drinks far too much coffee, loves to explore new places and will only ever do something that I can put my hole heart into. I love spending time outdoors whether it’s down on the beach or in the woods.

If I had to be a season I would be Autumn. I love the romantic tones, the Indian summers, the start of the cosy nights without compromising on daylight hours and pumpkin pie!!!


I really HATE having my photograph taken - ironic right??!!

I am a huge music lover!!


Seriously, all types. From the cool and funky, to the rocky jams, and even the “shouldn’t be caught singing it” kind of tracks. You’ll often find me singing in the car to a mix of Limp Bizkit, David Bowie, and Take That, sometimes all in the span of an hour (and yes, I’ll definitely dance if you hand me a drink).

This is Our love story

Girl met boy, boy met girl.

These are my why

They are the reason you’re here, on this website.

They are my reason.

They are the story behind why I picked up a camera again after years of back-and-forth, trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I “grew up.”


They aren't just photo's, they are memories

For us. For them. And for the future.

I take pictures so that one day, they can look back and remember me ; when my hair was still red, my face had fewer wrinkles, and I had half decent fashion sense. 

So they can see how small they once were, the things we did together, and how much we laughed.